Lesson 2 - Job ch.2-4
We will begin our Bible study season on Wednesday, October 11 @ 7:30 p.m. This year we will be starting up a new study as we dive into the book of Job and the wrestling with God that takes place in that book of the Bible. The study guide begins this way: “One thing we can count on in this life is trouble! Becoming a Christian, contrary to what some say, does not so much deliver us from problems as deliver us in them.” What does that mean and look like? Come this year and let’s discover the answer to that together!
New Bible study guide booklets will be available next week Sunday for you to take home and use. This Bible study is open to any and all young and older men, both inside and outside of the congregation. We meet every Wednesday evening for an hour in the “old nursery” room in the church’s lower level.