We are going to go fowling (a combination of football and bowling) on Saturday, March 30. We have two lanes reserved at The Fowling Warehouse (6297 Cascade Rd SE) in Grand Rapids from 6-8 PM. It will be $10-$15 a person for those two hours, depending on how many of us go. You can bring any food along that you would like to; however, no beverages are allowed, not even water bottles, in their facility. We need to arrive 15 minutes early, so please meet there at 5:45. Let's plan on eating out after our fowling is done. Please sign up on the sign-up sheet by Sunday, March 24 as reservations and payment were made and I want to make sure I have the correct number of lanes reserved.
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Earlier Event: March 30
Sus Manos Gleaners ministry opporitunity
Later Event: March 31
Morning Worship Service