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Men's Bible Study

Lesson #2 “The Story of Scripture” (Genesis 3)

If you need a Bible study guide, please let Rev. Wagenmaker know so he can get you one; you may also just show up on Wednesday night (we meet in the church’s lower level).

We will be starting up a new study in a couple of weeks, focusing on the topic “The Story of Scripture” as we take a 12-lesson overview journey through the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. If you are a man (from teenage to mature adult) who would be interested in joining on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 for our hour-long discussion and study of God’s Word, and you’ve been looking for another way to grow in your faith and knowledge of Scripture, this is a great opportunity here in this congregation to do so. Questions? Talk to Rev. Wagenmaker.

Earlier Event: April 4
Young Peoples Meeting
Later Event: April 10
Breakfast Fundraiser