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Men's Bible Study

Lesson #1 (Genesis 3)

If you need a Bible study guide, please let Rev. Wagenmaker know so he can get you one; you may also just show up on Wednesday night (we meet in the church’s lower level).

Our Wednesday night Men’s Bible Study is starting up a new study for our remaining four weeks of the season; we will be studying “Women of the Old Testament.” If you’ve never been to Men’s Bible Study and would like to see what we do, this is a good time to come for a little while before the season ends as we start up a new Bible study series. It is open to men of all ages. We meet for an hour from 7:30-8:30 p.m. Let Rev.Wagenmaker know if you’d like a Bible study guide.

Earlier Event: March 28
Later Event: March 30
Ladies Wednesday Night Bible Study